Our vacation to D.C. is nearly over. We’ll be flying home on Thursday after saying good bye to my dad who will be leaving for Iraq. My parents moved to the area about two years ago, and this is my first visit out to see them. I feel like I’ve done just about everything I wanted to do. We went to Anapolis, Baltimore, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Spy Museum, and we even had our very own private tour of the White House. If your wondering how we were able to get a private tour of the White House my mom knows someone that knows someone that works as a first council attorney to the president. If you are ever headed to D.C. and would like a private tour let me know and I'll you give Rachel's email information. She loves giving the tours and feels like she's best serving the country when she serves the general public.
I don't think anyone could ever leave D.C. and not feel more patriotic after seeing such amazing American landmarks.
Looks like an awesome trip. I still have never been to the White House. So how did you get a private tour?? The spy museum sounds fun..I didn't know they had such a thing
Dear B,
Do you really have friends named Eric and Erika? Do you think that's funny, given my situation?
Anywho, I'm glad you enjoyed DC. So who you voting for, anyway?
Miss you.
Handsome Kenley
You forgot to tell everyone you got to see the entire DC area from one end to the other. Nick got us lost and we ended up in a horrible, horrible, kill you dead part of town. We drove past the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue several times and got to see so many things. However, Nick was angry with his Mother-in-law and so Ella and Grandma sang songs until Nick found our way home. It only took about 2.5 hours. Love, Peggy
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