Well Christmas has come and gone (phew). Every year I tell myself that I'm not going to wait until the last minute to do everything but somehow that's how it always works out. Normally I love to shop but around Christmas its so exhausting. I have always hated crowds and the crowds during Christmas are the worst. Well actually the crowds at Disneyland are the worst but that's another story. Ella is getting to the age where she's requesting specific things. It's fun to look at her Christmas list. She isn't a girly girl so Babies, baby dolls, and princess stuff would be a total no go! This year Ella requested a game called Mind Flex. What the heck is Mind Flex? Mind Flex is a game that you play with "the power of you mind. By using a combination of physical and mental coordination, you must then guide a small foam ball through a customizable obstacle course". I just have to laugh!
Christmas mass was very peaceful and a great reminder of what Christmas is all about. We came home from mass and Ella wanted to call my parents to tell them all about it. Ella told them "The owner touched my head and I thought it was going to explode!" I guess that's a dead give away that we don't go to church very often.
We had a nice dinner with the Klarich family at the Oyster Bar and then headed back to Ed and Cas's house for the traditional jammie gift.
When we got home we set up the Christmas cookies for Santa, apples for the reindeer, and glitter in the snow so Santa could find our house.

Well Christmas was a success and the smile on Ella's face was all I needed to make me happy.